Evidence-based healthcare information
Here at DRWF, we are committed to providing high-quality, clearly communicated, evidence-based healthcare information.
We do this to ensure that people with diabetes can make informed decisions about their health and improve outcomes, safe in the knowledge that our information is trustworthy and reliable.
To this end, we are members of the Patient Information Forum (PIF). An independent, not-for-profit organisation that represents more than 300 organisations across the NHS, voluntary, academic, freelance and commercial sectors.

PIF provides expert guidance on the production of high-quality health information to support an improved healthcare experience for patients and the public, and run the UK-wide quality mark for health information, the PIF TICK.
We believe that trusted health information empowers patients and carers, supporting informed decision-making and self-management, and ultimately improving health outcomes.
Please click here for more information on the Patient Information Forum
One of our main charitable activities is the provision of information to enable informed decision making. It’s important that the people we provide information and support to are confident that our literature and advice is reliable and trustworthy.
— Sarah Tutton, Chief Executive DRWF
How We Can Help at DRWF
Each year we run events for people living with diabetes, ranging from educational workshops and wellness events, to fundraising marathons and group skydives. To find out more about our events and how we support people living with diabetes, please visit our Events Page.
Since 1998 we have provided over £12 million of funding for medical research programmes, with the aim of finding a cure for all types of diabetes. In 2004, we made a significant commitment to Islet Cell Research and Transplant, a programme which focuses on the role of islet cells in diabetes. Read more about our commitment to research by visiting our Research Page.
We rely on our amazing donors who raise the funds that help support people living with diabetes across the UK, as well as funding our vital research programmes. There are lots of ways to raise money to support people living with all forms of diabetes, there’s something for everyone! To discover more about fundraising with us, please visit our Fundraising Page.
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