The Professor David Matthews Non-Clinical Fellowship
Apply For Funding-2022
DRWF Research Fellowships are awarded for research related to causes, cures or complications of diabetes.
Applications are invited from: post-doctoral researchers working or intending to work in the field of diabetes
The Fellowship is aimed at early stage researchers, 3-8 years Post Doc
DRWF Non-Clinical Research Fellowships cover a period of up to 3 years, in a recognised institution or department within the United Kingdom
Support for the 2022 Fellowship is a maximum of £65,000 per year, to include a salary, consumables and some support costs
Closing date for Pre-Applications: 5pm, Thursday 14th April 2022
Final interviews will be held June/July 2022 (exact date tbc) via Zoom. The successful applicant will be expected to take up the Fellowship late 2022
Please note: Due to being midway between changing to a new system, an interim application process is in place.
Please follow the below instructions to complete the .PDF form and return one copy by email, and another copy to be printed, signed, and returned by post:
Applications should be completed by filling the .PDF application form and returning it to sarah.brown@drwf.org.uk
Download Application Form
If for some reason the form doesn't open in your browser, you can try this link, then right-click the file to 'save link as' or 'download'
One copy with original signatures should also be sent to:
The Professor David Matthews Non-Clinical Fellowship 2022c/o Sarah Brown
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
Building 6000
Langstone Technology Park
Tel: 023 92 636135
Email: sarah.brown@drwf.org.uk
For all research related queries, please contact: sarah.brown@drwf.org.uk