United Through Diabetes Digital Hub - Videos
Tackling Diabetes Inequity in Black Populations
Dr Bernadette Adeyileka-Tracz- Executive Director, Diabetes Africa (Moderator)
Watch this talk with Barbara Hudson, Amelia Glasgow, Daniel Newman and Tilieka Hendricks.
A Type 1 Life - 67 Years Living with Diabetes
Peter Davies
In this session Peter Davies talks about his journey with Type 1 diabetes, from his diagnosis at the age of 2, through the decades and all the life-changing and incredible advancements he has seen in diabetes management, technology and care.
Planning for an Admission to Hospital with Diabetes
Dr Mayank Patel
Join Dr Mayank Patel, Consultant in Diabetes, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, who talks about the plans you should have in place in case you are admitted to hospital with type 1 diabetes.
Living Well, Healthy Choices and Diabetes in the Current Climate
Lauren Kelly & Georgette Alayyan
Two dietitians from Gosport PCN Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Lauren Kelly and Georgette Alayyan, discuss how to make the right healthy choices for managing diabetes.
Type 1 Origins - A Comic Book Story
Professor Partha Kar & Dr Mayank Patel
Join Professor Partha Kar & Dr Mayank Patel as they discuss their inspiration for the Type 1 comic books series about superheroes and diabetes.
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