Published on 2 July 2024

On Friday, 5th July DRWF join organisations in recognising the hard work of health researchers around the world for Research Appreciation Day.

An awareness day to celebrate the hard work of health researchers in both physical and mental health will be held on Friday, 5th July.

Research Appreciation Day was launched by MQ Mental Health Research last year.

The Association of Medical research Charities (AMRC), of which DRWF is a member, said: “We're encouraging our charities to take to social media on 5th July to celebrate research breakthroughs using the hashtag #ResearchAppreciationDay.”

A statement from MQ Mental Health Research said: “Research Appreciation Day 2024 is a day where we celebrate the work of the many thousands of health researchers making a difference to people's lives all around the world.

“All breakthroughs in healthcare are made thanks to the work of researchers.

“It is only though the tireless research of scientists, health professionals and volunteers that we are able to improve the treatments available for different physical and mental health conditions. Despite this vital service, research is often forgotten about when it comes to funding and policy decisions or discussions about health care.

“This year we are celebrating the incredible breakthroughs made possible by research. Whether it's a breakthrough in funding the cause of a disease, developing a new treatment or even preventing illness altogether.”

More information about the day and resources via MQ's Research Appreciation Day webpage
Read more about DRWF-funded research here

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