Closed loop insulin delivery systems reduce type 2 diabetes complications
Researchers have found that a fully closed-loop insulin delivery system can improve blood glucose control.
Researchers have found that fully automated closed-loop insulin delivery systems are safe and can improve outcomes in adults living with type 2 diabetes.
According to researchers, use of the automated fully closed-loop insulin delivery system was better at improving blood glucose control without increasing the risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels) compared to standard insulin therapy.
The study was by researchers at the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge and the results were recently published in the journal Nature.
During the randomised study, 26 adults with type 2 diabetes were monitored over two eight-week periods to compare the CamAPS HX fully closed-loop app with traditional insulin therapy and a masked glucose sensor.

Researchers said: “The present study shows that fully closed-loop insulin delivery is a safe and effective approach to improve glycaemic control in people with type 2 diabetes during 8 weeks of use in the outpatient setting.
“The closed-loop system improved the proportion of time spent in target glucose range by 35% (an additional 8 hours per day), and reduced mean glucose, compared with standard insulin therapy, without increasing the time spent in hypoglycemia.
“The results of this study build on evidence from a feasibility study evaluating fully closed-loop therapy in people with type 2 diabetes and end-stage renal failure on dialysis.
“Here, we demonstrate that this technology can benefit the wider population with type 2 diabetes requiring insulin and can be safely implemented in the home setting. As a considerable proportion of people with type 2 diabetes struggle to achieve the recommended glycaemic targets with currently available therapies, including insulin therapy, fully closed-loop systems offer a new approach to improve glycaemic outcomes to reduce the risk of long-term complications.”
Researchers concluded: “This study suggests that fully closed-loop insulin delivery is a safe and efficacious approach to manage type 2 diabetes in adults. Larger randomised controlled trials with diverse populations and longer follow-up are required to ensure generalizability across a wider target population and to determine whether it is a cost-effective approach that provides sustained benefits for people with type 2 diabetes requiring insulin therapy.”
Read the report in Nature
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