Published on 18 March 2025

DRWF has published an updated version of the Exercise and diabetes leaflet.

The DRWF series of diabetes information leaflets focus on various aspects of living with and managing diabetes to reduce risk of complications.

The Exercise and diabetes leaflet is published now featuring latest recommendations for physical activity, by Andrea Cameron, DRWF Editorial Advisory Board member and Dean of Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences at Abertay University.

There are great benefits of exercise for everybody – including people living with diabetes in their self-management of the condition.

A statement from the NHS said: “Whatever your age, there is strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life.

“Exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer, and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.”

The full series of nine leaflets covering a range of diabetes complications and tips for good self-management of the condition are published now and available to read online in digital download and audio formats. Printed copies can also be requested by emailing

DRWF diabetes information leaflets form a valuable part of the charity’s information resources available for people living with diabetes to offer the best possible guidance on how to self-manage effectively, as well as manage the associated health complications.

As part of our PIF TICK accreditation process, DRWF is committed to making sure all its information is reliable, evidence-based and accessible, to ensure we are a “trusted information creator”.

More diabetes information resources are currently being prepared and under review to follow soon!

Read DRWF diabetes information leaflets here

If you are a healthcare professional and would like to receive a supply of our information leaflets for distribution to people with diabetes please email or call us on 023 9263 6136. Alternatively click here for a leaflet order form to bulk order leaflets.

Find out more about DRWF and the PIF TICK accreditation here

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