Diabetes research/study recruitment
Research study on diabetes distress in adults recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
The purpose of this study is to understand how adults recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes experience diabetes distress. Diabetes distress is a common feeling of frustration, deflation, or overwhelmingness caused by living with and managing diabetes.
What kind of person is this study looking for?
This study is looking for people that have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the last 12-36 months. You are a good match for this study if you:
- Are over the age of 18
- Did not previously have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or latent autoimmune diabetes
- Have ever felt stress relating to your diabetes
- Have no other underlying chronic health conditions
- Are not pregnant
- Speak fluent English
What will I be asked to do if I take part?
If you decide you would like to take part, you will be asked to partake in a virtual interview on Microsoft Teams or Skype that will last roughly 60- 90 minutes. Your interview will be recorded then made into an anonymised transcript. This is an audio-only interview; therefore, it is not necessary to use a webcam during the process.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact the lead researcher for more information: Louise Morales-Brown by calling 07597654515, or by email: l.morales-brown@lancaster.ac.uk
For more information visit here
An investigation of black women with diabetes and their access to healthcare
My name is Isra Yusuf and I am a current health psychology master’s student. I would like to invite you to take part in my dissertation research project, which is researching Black women with diabetes and their access to health care. This study is being undertaken online, via mediums such as Microsoft Teams and Skype. Before you decide to take part, you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully. Ask questions if anything you read is not clear or you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not to take part.
What kind of person is this study looking for?
You have been invited to take part in this study as you are a Black woman who has been diagnosed with type one or type two diabetes, aged eighteen or older. I am interested in hearing about your personal experiences of access to healthcare. I ask that you do not participate if you do not meet the aforementioned criteria.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The results will be summarised and reported in a dissertation and may be submitted for publication in an academic journal.
For more information or to participate in this study email Isra.Yusuf@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Research into compassion and self-compassion in carers
In this study, we want to understand what compassion and self-compassion means to carers and the role of compassion in caregiving. There is confusion around how self-compassion is defined, although research has suggested it may be beneficial to well-being. We also hope to learn from carers how to develop strategies to build a better intervention to improve self-compassion. For this study, your participation will involve an online interview lasting approximately one hour.
We do not anticipate benefits or costs to you if you choose to participate, however you will be contributing towards research into understanding self-compassion in caregivers with potential benefits to caregivers’ well-being.
What kind of person is this study looking for?
The researchers are interested in interviewing people who are:
- Over the age of 18
- Provide regular unpaid care for a friend, neighbour, or family member
- Caring for somebody who is over 65
- Able to understand and speak English
What to do next
If you are interested in becoming a participant in the study and can answer yes to any of the above, please follow the link below to register your interest. Alternatively, please email researcher Farah Wiita at f.l.wiita@pgr.reading.ac.uk directly if you have any questions regarding the study.
For more information or to register your interest visit the study website here
Barriers of participation in physical activity on lower limb amputation
Emily Runton, a MSc Physiotherapy (pre- registration) student at Leeds Beckett University, conducting a study on the barriers of participation in physical exercise on people with a lower limb amputation.
What kind of person is this study looking for?
I am recruiting lower limb amputees, who are over 18 years of age and speak English to take part in my study.
What will I be asked to do if I take part?
This study will involve an interview via Zoom or a similar online platform to discuss barriers that you have to physical exercise and how this affects you. with the objective to uncover themes from personal experiences and difficulties to then help others in similar situations. This interview will take approximately 20-40 minutes and the findings of this study will be used in my Dissertation, with potential to be shown in the end of year conference and scientific journals.
For more information or to register your interest visit the study email E.Runton8667@student.leedsbeckett.ac.uk
NOTE: DRWF will from time-to-time advise readers of ‘calls to participate’ in diabetes and related health research studies. It should not necessarily be considered that the charity is in any way connected to the study or the group issuing the call for participants. If we are involved in any way, we will make this known. Taking part in a medical research study is a big step and further helpful information can be found on the UK Clinical Trials Gateway website www.ukctg.nihr.ac.uk/
Read Lockdown guidance for staying home and safe for people living with diabetes during Covid-19 pandemic
Read How people with diabetes could become more ill if diagnosed with Covid-19
DRWF operations during the Covid-19 health crisis
The DRWF team is working remotely. Covid-19 guidance, particularly where it aligns or impacts with diabetes guidance, is shared as quickly as possible through the DRWF website and social media channels with the aim of making it as easy to understand as possible and a reliable source of latest news.
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