Diabetes Wellness Network reader survey results
We asked you to take part in our 2022 Diabetes Wellness Network survey – and you delivered!
We had a fantastic response and really do appreciate the time and effort you made by participating.
Your continued support will help us to serve your needs better.
We will be sharing the results of the survey with you over the coming months.
Thank you for your support!
The questionnaire was distributed with the July edition of Diabetes Wellness News.
We have introduced some simple design changes to your Diabetes Wellness News.
This is to ensure that it remains consistent with our other publications and website; so that it looks and feels part of the DRWF family of resources. Additionally, we have updated our website, which has lots of information, news, leaflets in print and audio format, as well as our Living with Diabetes podcast series.
Meet the Diabetes Wellness Network subscription administrator
“If you know someone who may be interested in receiving the monthly DRWF newsletter please ask them to contact me for an information pack”
Debra Peett, Network Administrator
Telephone no.: 023 9263 6131
Email: subs@drwf.org.uk

The needs and views of our Diabetes Wellness Network are important to us as we work towards securing the Patient Information Forum Tick accreditation.
Your responses will help us to ensure we meet your ongoing needs.
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