DRWF Events: Diabetes and the kidney at United Through Diabetes
We talk with Dr Sue Jones at United Through Diabetes about diabetes and the kidney.
DRWF’s 25th anniversary educational event for people living with diabetes invited healthcare experts to share presentations on various topics of diabetes management.
Among the guest speakers was Dr Sue Jones, Diabetes Consultant at University Hospital of Hartlepool, University Hospital of North Tees.
DRWF spoke to Dr Jones at the event about her presentation on diabetes and the kidney.
Dr Jones said: “Kidney disease affects a lot of people across the world, but it affects a lot of people with diabetes as well. Chronic kidney disease is a condition that is diagnosed on a blood test, and it is often a big blow to people with diabetes to then be told they have got chronic kidney disease.
“My mission today is to try and help people understand what it is. It is actually a natural process of ageing and does not necessarily mean your diabetes has got worse. I am also going to tell people how to help themselves to understand their chronic kidney disease and what to do if it progresses, because not everyone's chronic kidney disease does progress, and it is useful to know the tips of your diet and what changes need to be done to your medication.”
Dr Jones added: “I think events like United Through Diabetes help people with diabetes understand that they are extremely important people and it is about them, not about the healthcare professional. They only see healthcare professionals for an average of six hours a year. They are managing their diabetes themselves for the rest of that time, and it just helps empower them to meet others who are doing exactly the same.
“DRWF works for people living with diabetes and puts them at the centre. Healthcare professionals are there to assist, but it is often the people with diabetes that teach us as healthcare professionals as well. And we can take back what we learn from conferences like this to help our own patients.”
In the coming weeks, we will be excited to announce the location, venue and date for United Through Diabetes 2024 and hope that you will join us again. Look out for more information and updates on the DRWF events page.
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