DRWF Events: Taking the pressure off diabetes management with continuous glucose monitoring
Following the recent United Through Diabetes educational event we are sharing a series of interviews from the day with leading healthcare professionals and people working in diabetes.
We hope everyone who attended the recent United Through Diabetes event had a great day with us and went home with the tools, knowledge, practical skills, and confidence to enhance your diabetes self-management and overall health and wellbeing.
The event Digital Hub provides an opportunity to recap on content from the day, plus access even more content to help you manage your diabetes – for both attendees and those who were not able to attend but would like to find out more.
DRWF interviews from United Through Diabetes: Judy Moore and Charlotte House from Dexcom talk to us about the latest products from Dexcom, their experience at UTD 2024 and their surprise guest at our event, Dexter the Dog. Dexcom were a Headline Exhibitor and Programme Streams Sponsor at UTD 2024.
Attending United Through Diabetes
Judy: “It’s always a pleasure to be here with DRWF – a charity for people living with diabetes that we actively support. It is great to be here with the both the type 1 and type 2 diabetes community, and to really help them understand how continuous glucose monitoring can empower them to take control of their health and manage their diabetes better.
“We have had a wonderful day here and we have been very busy. I don't know whether you have met our special guest today. Dexter the dog, who has been welcoming people to the exhibition booth and around the floor. It is a fantastic opportunity for us to be here with you.”
Introducing continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
Judy: “We have been guiding people through what would be the next steps. If you are entitled to continuous glucose monitoring on prescription or, if you are not, what is the opportunity to be able to contact Dexcom to purchase sensors?
“Education is key to success with managing diabetes. Events like UTD are extremely important to the diabetes community where they can attend, learn, and network. At Dexcom, we believe education is key to success in people really managing their diabetes. We have online learning platforms, easily accessible step-by-step journeys. We have a blog that gives people hints, tips and tricks around diet and hypoglycaemia and exercise.”

Hints and tips about living with diabetes
Judy: “Diabetes is an individual challenge. Diabetes can be a rollercoaster. My one hint or tip would be to know your own body, know your own limits, know your own challenges. Learn to learn to live with your diabetes but learn to get the best out of it. That is the motto we have at Dexcom. We are trying to empower people to take control of their health and really try the technology. For people who have never tried before, have a go using the technology and see what insights it can give to you. Looking at your glucose numbers, your trends, and seeing what the effect of different foods have on your body, the effect that exercise has on you. I would always say for anybody a tip and trick would be not one model fits all. Everybody is an individual. I honour everybody who lives with the challenge.”
Charlotte: “Don't be a slave to a blood glucose meter for the rest of your life. There are so many options out there now with CGM and other methods to manage diabetes without constantly inflicting pain on yourself. There is so much flexibility with CGM. You can wear it as often as you want, for interim periods of time, for longer term periods of time, depending on what your needs are. I would say just try it and you will realise why so many people have moved on to CGM. It really does take the pressure off you having to make as many decisions as you were previously.”
Taking the leap with a fundraising skydive for DRWF
Charlotte: “We work very closely with DRWF and recently the team left behind some of the fundraising leaflets in our office. I happened to see a skydive was listed on there, and that has been a bucket list goal for me all my life. I thought, let's kill two birds with one stone – let’s get my bucket list checked off and raise some money for an incredible charity. I'm very excited, very nervous. It is going to be an incredible experience. We have been able to get some amazing donations and raised more than £1,300 so I am absolutely thrilled and so grateful for everyone who has donated.
Thank you for listening to this Living With Diabetes special podcast report from United Through Diabetes 2024, presented by Claire Levy and brought to you by DRWF.
Visit the DRWF United Through Diabetes Digital Hub for more information and resources from the day
For news on all upcoming DRWF events please visit the event page
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