DRWF Fundraising: Dress brightly for Red Day for diabetes awareness
Young children aged up to five are encouraged to wear something red for DRWF Red Day in June.
DRWF is inviting all nursery and pre-schools to participate in our Red Day over the week from 10th to 14th June to celebrate Diabetes Awareness Week, which runs 10th to 16th June.
Over the week, or on a chosen day, we are encouraging young children (in early years foundation stage) up to five-years-old, to attend their pre-school or nursery wearing a red item of clothing.
If the following clothing items, e.g. a t-shirt, hair scrunchie, or pair of shoes are red these will be suitable, and parents need not to buy items of clothing specially for their child to participate in this diabetes awareness campaign.

Schools and nurseries can register here to receive a resources pack
On registration, you will receive a FREE resource pack, including:
- Downloadable ‘Colouring Competition’*.
- Downloadable ‘Puzzle Game’.
- Downloadable ‘Food Education Traffic Light Game’.
- Identifying ‘Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes’ flyer (sharable parental content).
- NHS Dietitian-led ‘Top Tips for a Healthy School Lunch’ flyer, promoting healthier choices (sharable parental content).
- Stickers for each child and balloons for decoration.
- DRWF collection tin to help collect your RED Day donations.
*A £5 ‘Smyths Toys’ voucher will be included for prize winner.
Closing date for registrations is Friday, 3rd May. This helps us plan using provided numbers, print materials sustainably without unnecessary wastage and fulfil your package with support from our amazing volunteers.
We really hope you can join us - let’s educate, have fun and change the future of people living with diabetes.
More information on the Red Day events page here
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people living with all forms of diabetes.
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