Tribute film for charity supporter Lynwood Newman
DRWF is paying tribute to the late Lynwood Newman, a long-term volunteer and supporter of the charity going back to 2006.
DRWF has produced a film tribute to our dear friend and champion charity supporter Lynwood Newman, who died last year.
Lynwood, who had type 2 diabetes, volunteered a lot of his spare time to promoting the work and activities of the charity and was always willing to lend a hand to anything that was required.
Lynwood always undertook all his charitable tasks with his characteristic big smile accompanied by his infectious booming laugh.
It was always a pleasure to have him visit the office and the DRWF staff always looked forward to him joining us. Lynwood was a lifetime member of the charity and also served as a member of the DRWF Editorial Advisory Board, helping in the review process of our monthly Diabetes Wellness News with regular, invaluable feedback and input.

Lynwood was also seen on occasion in the guise of his alter ego at events – donning a red suit to become Captain Insulin – a diabetes superhero of his own creation. Lynwood was a prolific fundraiser who raised many thousands of pounds for DRWF over the years.
Sadly, Lynwood passed away early in 2021 after a short battle with cancer.
In this specially produced film tribute the DRWF team and supporters look back at his life and tremendous fundraising for the charity.
Watch: Lynwood Newman tribute and interviews
DRWF headquarters welcomed a special guest to the premises recently as we paid tribute to our friend and supporter Lynwood Newman, and launched a MuchLoved tribute page to celebrate his life.
Lida Newman, Lynwood’s widow visited the DRWF team to mark the one-year anniversary since we lost Lynwood who, over the previous 17 years, was a huge presence at DRWF.
Sarah Tutton, DRWF Chief Executive, said: “We wanted to share our memories with Lida and so she was invited to come along to the office so that we could show her how much Lynwood meant to us, share some of those stories, anecdotes, etc, and pay tribute to a very special friend.
“There are many memories of Lynwood over the years. Seeing him breeze through our office door, wanting to be an integral part of our team, sitting in our office stuffing envelopes behind mounds of envelopes, and he was always happy and just always so willing to get involved and feel that he was making a difference. He loved coming to our Wellness Events where he felt that he could offer support, but also gain support himself and made lots of friends, not just amongst the DRWF team, but with the people that attended those events and created a really merry band of volunteers that felt such an integral part of everything that DRWF did. He’s just such an amazing spirit.”

Lida said: “I will always remember Lynwood’s endless kindness, his smile and the belief that he wanted the world to be a better place. He was an amazing man. The word “polymath” is a posh word that describes somebody who is very multi-talented. He was involved in so many activities, he was so loved by everybody and his main interests were supporting DRWF, which he did, can I use the word, with a vengeance. He was so amazing as far as that was concerned.
“Lynwood did so many things for DRWF, the word champion, quite honestly, understates his commitment to the organisation.
“Even days before he passed away, he was not well at all, but he still insisted on helping with the latest newsletter that Richie (Diabetes Wellness News Editor) had sent him.”

Lee Calladine, DRWF Events Coordinator, said: “I met Lynwood right back in the beginning 16 years ago when I first started at the charity. After that he came to our Wellness Days, our residential weekends and he became our ‘uber’ volunteer that was there helping with everything from the start to the finish of the event.”
Lee and Lynwood conspired to create the Captain Insulin superhero alter ego that Lynwood made reality – a masked diabetes crusader, armed with a bespoke utility belt featuring all manner of essential diabetes paraphernalia. The character soon made appearances at many DRWF events (strangely never seen in the same room as Lynwood) and was on occasion seen stuffing envelopes in the DRWF office in full costume.
Karen Scott, Community Fundraiser, said: “The first time I met Lynwood was at a tea party and he was dressed as Captain Insulin. I had just joined the charity and he came across to me with this booming laugh and with his mask on. I didn’t know who he was or where he had come from, but he was so warm and engaging that we connected straight away really and every time we saw each other it was a pleasure. He was always very positive, and he was always lovely and always laughing. That’s my memory of Lynwood, his big, booming laugh.”
Chris Edwards, DRWF volunteer and lay member of the Editorial Advisory Board, said: “Lynwood became a good family friend to myself and my husband. He was a lovely man.”
Listen to the DRWF Lynwood Newman Special tribute podcast here
Read A fond farewell to DRWF Lifetime Member also known as Captain Insulin
Read more: DRWF Volunteering: Getting the team back together – in memory of a much-missed friend and supporter
Visit the Much Loved page Tribute to Lynwood Newman, 1949 - 2021
This is a place for his friends, family and colleagues to share their personal memories of him. They can visit the page to light a candle, post a photo, video or a fond memory they have of Lynwood that they would like to share.
DRWF has recently partnered with MuchLoved, which means that any of our supporters can now make their own online tribute page in memory of a loved one or to support DRWF. It is simple, quick and free to set-up.
Look here for more information on MuchLoved or Giving in Memory
Please contact DRWF Community Fundraiser Karen Scott if you would like to find out more about MuchLoved or Giving in Memory by email or telephone: 07591950531
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