DRWF Research: Effect of migraine treatment on blood glucose
DRWF-funded study by researchers at the University of Cambridge has looked at how a common type of migraine treatment could affect blood glucose levels.
A DRWF-funded study looked at the blood glucose regulating role of 5-HT1B receptors and impact on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.
Despite many advances in the treatment of diabetes, relatively few people are able to achieve optimal glucose levels to reduce risk of complications.
In a recent double-blinded placebo-controlled cross-over study, researchers found that a single dose of sumatriptan can reduce insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and glucose effectiveness (an important factor which affects blood glucose) in overweight people.
The tests were led by Dr Rajna Golubic following a DRWF Pump Priming Grant in 2020.
The results were recently published in Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism.

Dr Rajna Golubic’s DRWF-funded study examined how migraine treatment affects blood glucose for people living with diabetes
Future diabetes therapy
The findings suggest that the acute use of sumatriptan might contribute to high glucose levels during a migraine attack, adding to the potential blood glucose elevation induced by pain.
More broadly, these results show how serotonin receptors in the brain can help control blood glucose, suggesting potential for future novel diabetes therapies.
Read the report in Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism
Read more about Dr Rajna Golubic’s DRWF-funded Pump Priming Grant
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