1 in 3 children with type 1 diabetes not receiving satisfactory care
A survey of parents and carers of children and young people with type 1 diabetes found that almost one in three were not happy with the level of care and support their children were receiving in schools.
The survey asked 409 parents of children and young people with type 1 diabetes about different aspects of care they receive for the condition at schools and 29% said the care available not satisfactory.
In addition, around a third (34%) said they did not have an individual healthcare plan that fully met their needs in school, something that experts regard as an essential element of adequate care at school.

One in three parents are not happy with the care available to children with type 1 diabetes at schools
Outside of the classroom, 14% of parents and carers said their child has been excluded from extra-curricular school activities such as physical education lessons and residential trips because they have type 1 diabetes.
While the results of the survey (carried out by Diabetes UK) may not be representative of all parents of children with type 1 diabetes, the charity warned that the findings highlighted that poor care at school remains a significant issue for many children and young people with type 1 diabetes across the UK.
This is despite the introduction of a new law in England last year under the Children and Families Act 2014 that made it a legal requirement for all schools in the country to ensure children and young people with medical conditions such as type 1 diabetes, asthma and epilepsy get the care they need in school.
It should be noted that many schools are doing an excellent job of supporting children and young people with type 1 diabetes, as highlighted by the fact that the majority of the parents who took part in the survey are satisfied with the care their children receive at school.
However, the high number of unhappy respondents to the survey is a reminder of the importance that all students with diabetes should receive the health care and support they need, so that they can participate fully in school life and can achieve their academic potential.
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