Reminder for people with diabetes to book their annual flu vaccination
This winter there are three different types of flu vaccination.
As winter approaches people with diabetes are reminded that they should book their annual flu vaccination.
The flu vaccination is available every year on the NHS to help protect adults and children at risk of flu and its complications.
People with diabetes are one of the ‘at risk’ groups of flu that includes anyone aged over 65, pregnant women, children and adults with an underlying health condition (such as long-term heart or respiratory disease) and children and adults with weakened immune systems.
Anyone in these risk groups is more likely to develop potentially serious complications of flu, such as pneumonia (a lung infection), so it is recommended that they have a flu vaccine every year to help protect them.
Flu can be unpleasant, but if you are otherwise healthy it will usually clear up on its own within a week.
This year there are three different types of flu vaccine:
- A live quadrivalent vaccine (which protects against 4 strains of flu), given as a nasal spray. For children and young people aged 2 to 17 years eligible for the flu vaccine.
- A quadrivalent injected vaccine. For adults aged 18 and over but below the age of 65 who are at increased risk from flu because of a long-term health condition and for children 6 months and above in an eligible group who cannot receive the live vaccine.
- An adjuvanted trivalent injected vaccine. This is for people aged 65 and over as it has been shown to be more effective in this age group.
Contact your GP to arrange a flu vaccination
All patients at risk are eligible for vaccination at their GP practice.
People aged over 18 can also get vaccinated at participating pharmacies.
More information about flu vaccinations on the NHS website
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