Spa retreats for people with type 2 diabetes
A spa break treatment is now available for people with type 2 diabetes, providing advice on how positive lifestyle changes can help people improve their self-management of the condition.
The NHS has teamed up with Champneys health spa resorts to offer the leading diabetes education programme, DESMOND, which will be offered at the resorts at Champneys Tring in Hertfordshire and Champneys Springs in Leicestershire.
DESMOND is an NHS programme developed by the Leicester Diabetes Centre which teaches people with type 2 diabetes how to manage their condition, and is already delivered by more than 90 NHS trusts nationally.
Spa retreats to provide education on positive lifestyle changes for people with type 2 diabetes
The courses at Champneys are catered for both those with established and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and those at a high risk of developing the condition as a result of raised blood sugar levels or through family history.
The programme, run as part of an overnight retreat and as a day retreat, will include three core elements which cover diet, activity and education. The education will be delivered by DESMOND educators and the nutrition and fitness elements, by the Champneys team of experts.
Bernie Stribling, Director of DESMOND said: “Structured education programmes are a proven method to enable supported self-care in diabetes. We welcome this partnership and the opportunity to ensure our high-quality, evidence-based programme is offered to more people.”
Louise Day, Fitness and Wellbeing Director at Champneys added: “Lifestyle-related diabetes has become one of the fastest growing health problems in today’s society. A toxic mix of stress, low activity levels, poor diet on top of a possible inherited risk are being held responsible. Fortunately, positive lifestyle changes can make this condition manageable and reduce the risk of long-term health problems.
“We will guide and empower people with the condition towards a lifestyle-change approach to personal diabetes control. Our experts will be on hand to help guests find practical ways of improving their overall health and maintaining a positive approach to this condition.”
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