Published on 12 February 2025

Researchers interested to find out what could be potential barriers to using digital platforms for diabetes self-management.

Researchers are looking for young people living with type 1 diabetes to take part in a study exploring engagement and barriers for digital gaming interventions for young people with diabetes.

The study is being organised by researchers from the Department of Clinical Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London as part of a clinical psychology doctorate.

The study is in its second phase as researchers pilot the augmented reality card game Dragon Legends (previously reported here).

Researchers said: “This will help us to understand how digital interventions can be implemented to support young people with self-management of their diabetes. This is a second phase of a larger research project surrounding the game Dragon Legends, however you do not need to have played the Dragon Legends game to take part.”

Three categories of participants will be eligible to take part:

  • Young people aged 11-21 with a diagnosis of diabetes (those aged 11-16 will need parent/carer consent to take part)
  • Parents of young people 11-21 with a diagnosis of diabetes
  • Professionals who work within the diabetes field

You will need a device that runs MSTeams and be available to take part in an interview that will take up to 60 minutes.

You will be asked about diabetes related research, management of diabetes, self-management games, and augmented reality games. Interviews will take place as either semi-structured focus groups e.g. young person focus group, parent focus group, professional focus group or individual interviewers with the researcher.

You will be reimbursed with a £10 voucher for your time.

Recruitment will close once the number of participant’s needed have been reached, if there is interest over the capacity.

Study Recruitment Dragon Legends Advert For Phase 2 QR Code

If you are interested in taking part, scan the QR code below, to learn more about the study and sign up

NOTE: DRWF will from time-to-time advise readers of ‘calls to participate’ in diabetes and related health research studies. It should not necessarily be considered that the charity is in any way connected to the study or the group issuing the call for participants. If we are involved in any way, we will make this known. We will only share external calls where we have confirmed that the study holds ethics committee approval, and the study is specific to diabetes and related health. Taking part in a medical research study is a big step and further helpful information can be found via the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Trials Guide.

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