Study recruitment: How psychological factors influence mental health in young adults living with type 1 diabetes
Young adults with type 1 diabetes views sought for university study on mental health.
A university student is looking for young adults with type 1 diabetes to share their experiences for a study to understand how their confidence in managing diabetes relates to their mental wellbeing and ability to bounce back from difficulties.
The Wellbeing in young adults with type 1 diabetes study explores how young adults (aged 18-30) with type 1 diabetes manage their condition and cope with daily challenges.
The study aims to recruit at least 150 participants online over 2 months using a questionnaire, with a closing date at the beginning of February 2025. The results may help develop better ways to support both the physical and mental health of young adults with type 1 diabetes.
To participate in the study you must be a young adult aged 18 to 30 with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes who live in the UK.
The study is being conducted as part of a dissertation project by Ana Vidjak, a final-year Psychology student at Oxford Brookes University, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes three years ago.
Ana said: “My study aims to better understand how these psychological factors
influence mental health outcomes in young adults living with T1D. This research could
provide valuable insights to inform future interventions and support strategies for this
“All data collected will be anonymous and strictly confidential. The study findings will be shared with DRWF and made available to participants upon completion.”
The study involves completing an online questionnaire that takes approximately 15 minutes.
To participate in the Wellbeing in young adults with type 1 diabetes study, click here
NOTE: DRWF will from time-to-time advise readers of ‘calls to participate’ in diabetes and related health research studies. It should not necessarily be considered that the charity is in any way connected to the study or the group issuing the call for participants. If we are involved in any way, we will make this known. We will only share external calls where we have confirmed that the study holds ethics committee approval, and the study is specific to diabetes and related health. Taking part in a medical research study is a big step and further helpful information can be found via the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Trials Guide.
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