Study recruitment: Volunteers wanted for survey on sex differences in diabetes management
Adults wanted for research on differences men and women may experience in managing their diabetes.
Adult volunteers (aged 18 and older) are wanted for a research study on the differences men and women may have in blood glucose control and diabetes management.
The research is being carried out by a team from the University of Virginia Center for Diabetes Technology for the study Sex differences in glucose control and diabetes management.
The survey is titled IMAGINE (dIabetes MAnaGement IN womEn).
Chiara Fabris, PhD, principal investigator for the study, said: “The purpose of this study is to highlight differences between female and male in diabetes management and gather evidence on extra difficulties that female may experience – for example in relation to menstrual cycle and menopause.
“Results from this study will inform on the need to develop technological solutions to better support diabetes management in the female population. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete, and responses will be anonymous.”
For more information and to participate in the survey visit here
NOTE: DRWF will from time-to-time advise readers of ‘calls to participate’ in diabetes and related health research studies. It should not necessarily be considered that the charity is in any way connected to the study or the group issuing the call for participants. If we are involved in any way, we will make this known. We will only share external calls where we have confirmed that the study holds ethics committee approval, and the study is specific to diabetes and related health. Taking part in a medical research study is a big step and further helpful information can be found via the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Trials Guide.
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