Published on 18 July 2024

NHS Language Matters have produced a survey on the dialogue around language used in diabetes care during pregnancy.

A “lived experience survey” produced by NHS Language Matters is looking for the views of people who have experienced pregnancy and diabetes.

The introduction to the NHS Language Matters language and diabetes document said: “The language used by healthcare professionals can have a profound impact on how people living with diabetes and those who care for them experience their condition and feel about living with it day-to-day.

“In this document, the authors, people living with diabetes and supporting organisations have set out practical examples of language that will encourage positive interactions with those living with diabetes and subsequently positive outcomes.” 

A survey by the report authors is now looking to compile “the lived experiences of people and their families living with diabetes who are navigating, or have navigated pregnancy”.

A statement from the Language Matters pregnancy and diabetes team on the survey said: “Specifically, we want to understand the language that was used, or is being used, around your pregnancy journey in regard to diabetes, and your feelings around this language. 

“We would love to hear from you at whichever stage of pregnancy you may be at - pre-conception, pregnancy, or postpartum, and we welcome a wide diversity of voices, including fathers, or other family members or loved ones who have been/are involved in this pregnancy journey.

“The survey aims to collect all experiences - positive and negative - around language, and all responses will be anonymised.   

“Please note that if answering these questions is difficult or distressing, please know you can come back to the survey, should you feel comfortable to, any time before it closes at end of September. Please ensure you speak to your support network, including your healthcare team. There is also a list of organisations linked at the bottom who can offer further support.”

Professor Partha Kar, National Specialty Advisor, Diabetes, NHS England, said: “Diabetes care is changing, and if we as healthcare professionals want to make a difference, it is the building of relationships and respect that places the patient at the heart of that change which will take it to the next stage. We need to be trusted guides in the journey of those living day in, day out with diabetes.

“The concept of Language Matters is no longer an adjunct of optimal diabetes service delivery – but very much at the core of good, empathetic care.”

He added: “Language Matters Pregnancy in Diabetes is important so we can offer people alternative ways to talk about the choices and possible risks that people with diabetes may face during pregnancy. Thank you for your contribution to this change.” 

Complete the NHS Language Matters pregnancy and diabetes survey here
Read more about NHS Language Matters language and diabetes

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