Vote for your inspiring diabetes healthcare professionals - Quality in Care Diabetes awards open for entries
The exceptional work undertaken by healthcare professionals during the unprecedented pressure of Covid-19 will be reflected, recognised and celebrated in the 2021 awards
Since 2011 the Quality in Care Diabetes awards have been recognising, rewarding and sharing initiatives that improve the quality of life for people living with diabetes.
Entries for inspirational healthcare professionals are invited from anyone working in the diabetes arena throughout the UK and Ireland.
This is a great opportunity to win one of the prestigious awards this year and have your work shared and disseminated to a wider healthcare setting.
The judging day will take place on 7th September and the QiC Diabetes 2021 Awards presentation will take place on Thursday, 14th October.
The full list of categories, judging and entry information is available here
This year’s awards include a series of new innovations to share for 2021.
There are two exciting new categories to vote on:
- Equality and Diversity – Reducing Variation of Care and Outcomes particularly as it relates to Socioeconomic, Cultural or Racial Determinants
- Diabetes Collaborative Project of the Year
A new online entry portal entry system will streamline entering, making the whole process much simpler for you – the entrants. This will enable complete control of your entries, changes to be made up to the deadline date (no more having to re- submit via email), clear instructions on what you need to include in your entry/entries and auto-confirmation that your entries have been received.
The judging criteria and entry format for the QiC Diabetes 2021 awards have been completely changed and more clearly reflect the criteria that the judges will be looking for.
DRWF is proud to be a support partner for this event.
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