Watch: DRWF update report from lockdown
DRWF Chief Executive Sarah Tutton shares a video message on charity operations during the COVID-19 health crisis.
With self-isolation recommendations in place DRWF staff, like many other charity organisations, are now working from home.
While the charity is continuing to operate as fully as possible, the new working conditions do mean there are some changes to how we can deliver our services in the best possible way and provide support for people with diabetes while continuing with our objectives to fund important diabetes research.
Sarah Tutton, Chief Executive of DRWF has shared a video message to update supporters on how the charity has adapted to the challenges faced during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Watch DRWF Chief Executive Sarah Tutton’s report from lockdown here
Sarah said: “I just wanted to give you an update on the DRWF team and how we're all now working from home.
“We're trying to operate as much as business as usual as we can with some modifications. We're continuing to send out our monthly newsletter, Diabetes Wellness News. We know that that's a really valuable source of information and support to people who don't routinely use the internet and social media, so we'll look to do that for as long as we possibly can.
“We have unfortunately had to cancel our Diabetes Wellness Day South which was planned for early June. We are offering a package of information and support to the delegates that registered for that event and we will be in touch with those people directly to let them know what that looks like, and we are hoping that we'll be able to continue with the events that we've got planned for later in the year but that is very much under review as the impact of COVID-19 continues to play out.
“We're expecting the next few months to be a really bumpy road for all charities.
“We exist largely on voluntary income and as a medical research charity we have some very high-value multi-year research awards in place which we obviously need to do our best to continue to support.
“This is going to be pretty tricky for us. Diabetes is considered to be one of the leading 21st century health challenges and what is really clear is that once this immediate health threat of COVID-19 is over, whenever that is diabetes will still be there challenging and threatening the quality of life for many people around the world with diabetes.
“It's our responsibility to pick up the pieces and make sure that we've got the funds available to fulfil our promise to fund the very best research in our search for a cure for people with diabetes not just in the UK but around the world.
“If you're in a position to help us at this moment in time we would really appreciate that. The achievements that we've had today of really being the achievements of our supporters.
“All I would say at this point is we really thank you for the past commitment that you've shown to the charity and if you would like to support us in these difficult times please do
so, go to our website, make a donation online, call us, email us we can still be contacted on all of the usual channels.
“We are still here we're at the end of the phone. We really do want you to all stay safe and well, and we will look forward to seeing you as soon as we possibly can. Take care.”
Learn about the government response to coronavirus on GOV.UK
For further health information and advice please visit nhs.uk/coronavirus
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