We publish a series of professionally authored leaflets on diabetes and related health which are freely available below as pdf download, audio file or as hard copy upon request.

We are committed to providing high-quality, clearly communicated, evidence-based healthcare information.

We do this to ensure that people with diabetes can make informed decisions about their health and improve outcomes, safe in the knowledge that our information is trustworthy and reliable.

To this end, we are members of the Patient Information Forum (PIF). An independent, not-for-profit organisation that represents more than 300 organisations across the NHS, voluntary, academic, freelance and commercial sectors.

PDF Files

Leaflets are available to download. If you are having problems viewing them you can download: 

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Audio versions files

To make our information leaflets as accessible as possible, you can also play them as audio files below. Audio versions are subject to the same rigorous production procedures as the printed versions above, so you can be assured of their quality.

Orders for Healthcare Professionals

If you are a healthcare professional and would like to receive a supply of our information leaflets for distribution to patients please email enquiries@drwf.org.uk or call us on 023 92 637808. Alternatively click the link below to bulk order leaflets: 

Download HCP Order Form

What Is Diabetes Hero

What is Diabetes?

Whether you are newly diagnosed or just looking to learn more, this leaflet covers all the basics you need to know about diabetes. You can find information about symptoms, causes and how type 1 and type 2 diabetes are managed.
DRWF Healthy Eating For Diabetes 1

Healthy Eating For Diabetes

Healthy eating is important for everyone. This guide explains why a healthy diet is a key part of treating diabetes by highlighting the benefits of a healthy balanced diet and providing tips on how to count carbohydrates.
DRWF Exercise & Diabetes V2.0 Thumbnail

Exercise and Diabetes

This leaflet explains why exercise is so important for people living with diabetes. People who regularly exercise are more likely to have good control of their diabetes and avoid serious complications.
DRWF Eye Health And Diabetes 1

Eye Health and Diabetes

Diabetes can affect the health of your eyes, causing long-term complications if not properly treated. This leaflet explains why attending eye screening appointments and maintaining good control of your diabetes can reduce issues with your eyes.
Foot Health And Diabetes Hero

Foot Health and Diabetes

Diabetes-related foot complications develop as a result of raised blood glucose levels over time and are of two main types, Ischaemia and Neuropathy. This leaflet explains how diabetes can affect your feet, what neuropathy is and how to keep your feet healthy.
DRWF Diabetes Management When You Are Ill 1

Diabetes Management When You Are Ill

Managing diabetes whilst you are ill can be very challenging. This leaflet provides important tips on how to keep glucose levels within a reasonable range when ill, which may help your condition improve and not be as severe or prolonged.
Looking After Gum Health With Diabetes Hero

Looking After Gum Health With Diabetes

Periodontal disease is the scientific name used to describe gum disease. There is increasing evidence that serious gum disease can also make it harder for you to control your diabetes. This guide will provide you with all you need to know about gum disease and how it is linked to diabetes.
Sexual Health And Diabetes For Men Hero

Sexual Health and Diabetes - For Men

Diabetes is a leading cause of sexual health issues in men, but safe and effective treatments are readily available. This leaflet explains the problems that can occur with diabetes and sexual health and the treatment methods that healthcare professionals can offer.
Sexual Health And Diabetes For Women Hero

Sexual Health and Diabetes - For Women

Women with diabetes are more likely to have sexual problems due to diabetes. Healthcare professionals can help with any issues relating to sexual health and a range of treatments are available. This leaflet will take you through what you need to know to get the best help possible.